20 Hilarious Pics Prove What A Big Jerk Cats Can Be
These cats are not to be messed around with.
Cats are adorable. Their ears perk up when they’re interested in something. Those bright eyes of theirs seem to get bigger when they’re affectionate. You can’t stop yourself from giving them food and snacks when they ask for it with the cutest meows ever.
However, the experience of owning a cat may also tell you that a devil lives inside these cats. There is no way you can explain how their curiosity, agility, and stealth make them the worst troublemaker ever! They won’t hesitate to sit on your face, knock things off places, and essentially do the very thing you told them not to.
Could they be experiencing that high when they manage to be naughty within your home? Anyways, don’t forget to hide your stash of toilet paper and lock away the snacks.
“My cat Furgus. He also doubles up as a step.”

Worth checking.

“He’s on a diet. It’s not going great.”

“I am above reading, peasants.”

This is Atticus. Atticus was in the ICU for 2 days only to learn it’s constipated. The giant turd cost $2,536, more expensive that a Louise Vuitton purse. Yes, I’m fabulous.

“My cat just came back from one of her evening strolls with someone else’s keys in her mouth.”

“Quarantine – Day 4.”

“Heard my husband screaming while in the shower… walked in on this.”

“My cat, deeply asleep with the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle. We’ve been searching for it for 10 minutes.”

“The cat loves to show her butt during daughter’s virtual clASSes.”

“My cat fell asleep in my salad.”

“Every time I straighten them, Stevie jumps up and ‘fixes’ them.”

“That smile.”


“Turned my back for a minute and she peed in 20 cups of uncooked rice…”

“Guys, maintenance tried to visit my house today and only left this on the door. I’m crying.”

“Derp eets succulent.”


Scolded the cat for being on the counter. Now he’s taunting me.

“This is why we can’t have nice things.”