19 People Who Overcame All Obstacles And Finally Transformed Into Their True Selves
So much happier!
To take the step to change, that’s one of the biggest life challenges ever. Our body and brain tend to settle very comfortably into habits, no matter if they’re healthy or not. Sometimes, we fear how those around us would react if we begin acting outside the usual. Sometimes it’s just our own fear of ourselves, wondering if we’ll ever see things through.
But these people decided to take those steps into a tremendous transformation in life. They are people who finally chose transition, hit the gym, and start eating healthier. It’s a challenge, but they prove that it’s very much possible.
“I went from sad boi to elf princess! (1.5 years HRT)”

“2015 vs 2020! Living my absolute best life!”

“I did it with the help of my wife. No pills, powders, patches, paid programs, procedures, or surgeries. It was all done through changing my lifestyle and eventually getting into fitness. (5 years)”

“Exactly 399 days ago a decision was made (at that very table) to stop being afraid, to be honest and to finally live an authentic life. And SHE just scheduled her FFS today. Age 49, 8 months HRT.”

Body positivity was criticized by people who think it is validating unhealthy life choices. However, a study revealed that helping people accept themselves as who they allow them to be more open to changes. The group that is also given “stigma reduction intervention” during their weight management program is less likely to hate themselves because of their weight.
“Nov. 2016 -> Nov. 2020. A few pounds lighter and a whole lot healthier. If you take enough baby steps, you may just stop and realize how far you’ve traveled.”

“I really like my reflection more now. 22 vs 29.”

“This was the first Halloween in over three years since I felt comfortable wearing a costume that shows my skin. I feel so happy!”

“The Progression of Sobriety. 24 hours vs. 4 Years. One day at a time.”

“From detached and depressed to having hope and happiness. Transition after 30.”

“However many years ago vs. current! 32-year-old MTF, 1 year and 1 month HRT.”

Rebecca Pearl, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, led the study and commented, “Acceptance and change might seem to be on opposite poles, but actually what we find is that by increasing acceptance, we can also open up people for change and vice versa.”
“Almost 5 years since my Day 1 and I think it’s finally safe to say that I’m never going back. (115 lbs)”

“Staring off into the distance since 2013. Age 24 to 30.”

“Anorexia Recovery. Getting to know myself again and learning to value myself for things other than my weight.”

“I got to the point that I really disliked myself so I started weight training and meal prepping (20 months).”

“Die and exercise still works! (100 lbs)”

“Same glasses, different day.”

Pearl also wants to bring our attention to a phrase from ‘Dialectical Behavior Therapy’ that reads: “I can accept and love myself as I am right now, while also working to change my health behaviors and lose weight to improve my health.”
Indeed, her works has proven to be a bridge between two extremes of self-acceptance and diet. It is the first that focuses on how self-acceptance can help one to be more motivated in adapting a healthier lifestyle.
“Thanksgiving 2018 vs 2020. If you’d have told me two years ago that one day I’d be wearing a size 8 dress and be absolutely in love with the gym, I wouldn’t have believed it for a second!”

“Last Thanksgiving vs. this Thanksgiving. (375 days)”

“My first ever female cut, 41.”

Some people think accepting yourself means forfeiting changes. But who would have known that it can actually propel you even further to do what you thought you couldn’t.