19 People Who Are Having Hilariously Worst Luck Ever
What decisions in life that led you to these situations?
Whenever we think that we are having the worst luck in life, looking at people who have it worse makes things better. Yeah, these people reveal just how bad theirs are in probably one of the worst years many of us has seen in our life. We know these won’t turn your problems away, but if it improves your mood as you have a more positive lookout in life… why not?
Can this year really be any worse, though? Asking for a friend.
Yearbook photo from my first year as a teacher.

Waited the entire summer to harvest potatoes and this is all my garden produced.

Well there is a water snake living in my toilet somehow.

After losing 1/3rd of my weight, I finally didn’t feel too fat anymore. The toilet disagreed.

After working on this for one and a half hour.

Two out of ten of my chickens like to poke on my dog’s butt.

So… what’s the backstory here?

Wife’s charger broke inside the USB slot.

You can really hear how loud this picture is.

Was going through the car wash and the tunnel stopped, that’s when I looked over.

Can never have a peaceful bath in this house.

I dropped a whole can of tuna in the drain.

This salad cost her $12.

This doesn’t work like that.

Dog chewed the dog chew deterrent.

Got hit in the face by a hat at Six Flags.

Moments before he fell in a splitting position after he thought it’s as easy as rollerblades.

I’ve been buying bay leaves when they’re a whole tree of it just in front of my house for a year.

Sesame Street is having 2020 hard, too.