18 Of The Funniest Custom Face Mask Fails That Only Make People Laugh
You kind find laughter even in the middle of pandemic.
Custom mask business is growing with people starting to find ways to at least be able to enjoy wearing one. One of the most popular requests is printing lower half of their face onto the masks so it looks like you’re not wearing one. But for many people, this appears to be a challenge as printing your face on a mask is one thing. Being able to still see your own face while wearing it is another.
But at least, these people are protecting others while wearing one and making them laugh while at it!
Her dead eyes.

That is a very sweet smile!

Awkward smile.

How to explain the awkwardness that is this mask?

Nose looking a little too big, don’t you think?

Oh, hey there.

Why, at least her smile looks nice.

Printed 20% large face!

The fact that they zoomed into the face is hilarious.

Mouths starting to look ridiculous.

Yeah, more than 20% and yellower.

An obvious fail.

Someone wanted to spread the laughter.

Decided to try and get one of those custom face-masks… it didn’t turn out so good…

Much, much bigger.

When your smile is awkward.