16 Hilarious Comics On The Struggle Of Animal Parents Living In Today’s World
Quite relatable yet 100% hilarious!
Zoodraws is a series that will certainly make you laugh-out-loud in times when you need some. The illustrator behind the adorable comics is known as Brian Hhearn who evidently has a great love for random animal facts.
Artist Brian loves to imagine how it would be like for animals living in our modern world and the results are downright hilarious.
Also illustrating topics ranging from grand adventures to misadventures as a parent, Artist Brain, based in New-York perfectly highlights how animals deal with parenting, friendships, work, relationships, and other relatable everyday situations.
Garnering quite a following on social media pages, the artist hopes to key into illustrations full time or perhaps as a part-time job. Without any further ado, we’ve compiled his recently released and we hope you relate to at least one of them. Take a look and enjoy!
More info: Instagram | Facebook | Patreon | Zoodrawscomic
#1 Picky Kitty

#2 The Mighty Opossum

#3 It’s A Real Who-Dunnit?!

#4 Why? Why? Why?

#5 That Sweet Cat Life

#6 I Hate Dandelions

#7 Name Change

#8 Ultimate Mama Warrior!

#9 Home School – Quarantine

#10 Samwise

#11 Fantastic Patrick!

#12 New Wardrobe!

#13 Blue Whale Blues

#14 So, So Deep

#15 “Dad” Not “Daddy”

#16 “Mom” Not “Mommy”