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16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey


16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

Hilarious Prom Fails Ever!

Ah, prom events. It has been more than a year since the lockdown happened, and those who missed prom last year may or may not have to miss another prom event this year. It’s unfortunate, but it is what it is. Some people decided to throw their own small prom parties!

In fact, be happy because then you wouldn’t have to remember these cringe moments. Seriously, look at these and imagine how did you guys even survive those years of hormone fluctuations when you did quite unbelievable things at times?

Did your dad also work as a teacher and taught his class?

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

A failed attempt at a formal picture.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

Well, some of you might be allowed to attend a prom, or at least small and safe enough for everyone. If this is the case, here are some tips to enjoying the perfect prom – prepare for the event weeks in advance. Yes, particularly in getting the right dress. If you plan to order it online, make sure your dress arrives at least a week in advance.

The lesson: don’t do this.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

Parents and their impeccable timings.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

The perfect timing.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

How did she even manage to walk out of there without triggering the alarm?

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

By an Audi nonetheless.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

Ever thought about the origin of proms? A prom, or a promenade dance, is inspired by the debutante ball and is a social event for adults. But the history of a ball dance held in college could be found even from the late 19th century and slowly worked its way up as an important event for students in their 11th and 12th year.

She looks like she doesn’t want to go to the prom anymore.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

Woah, this chain of unfortunate incident you only see in movies.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

It was the new shoes, guys.

“Katie is a savage.”

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

A tan spray fail.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

Um, do you need us to go?

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

Traditionally, men will present their dates with a corsage they can wear to the prom. On the other hand, the women will give the men buttonholes to adorn their suits at the prom. Women used to go a little over-the-top with their makeup and even wear perfume, which is considered the norm.

This sister needs help.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

Prom 2021 about to be one as well.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

Yeah… Always make sure to check with the venue on the load capacity.

16 Epic Prom Fails That Are Hilariously Cringey

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