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13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever


13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

From helping friend’s ‘thief’ to being referred as ‘cheese’.

When you’re in charge of handling job applications, you know it’s going to be a very interesting job. Most employers handle it themselves and their most important requirement is to avoid the bad ones. You want someone whose CV at least looks promising that he’s going to be a good worker.

Well, these ones were rather… bad. But doesn’t mean the employer immediately moved them to the paper shredders. Some even made it to the interview stage.

His finest moment.

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

Kid… really?

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

Don’t we all kind of wished he made it to interview so we can hear the story?

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

Makes you curious of the backstory, right?

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

We can see that.

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever


13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

Mr. Cheese.

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

A little bit concerning still.

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

Please, don’t. Ever. Use. These.

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

Gee, I wouldn’t have known!

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

Well, that’s his learning curve.

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

It was probably a thought that suddenly crossed his mind, “Oh, I need a job.”

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

At least he only demands the minimum.

13 Employers Shared The Most Unforgettable Worst Job Applications Ever

Please find help with your resume if you don’t know what you’re doing. Your local librarians might have a one-on-one professional help, even a template from Word will do better than a handwritten piece of paper.

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