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Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills


Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills

Please, respect your partner’s wishes.

Contraceptive pills are an easy birth control option for women. But in the long-term, its side effects can be severe and permanent. Yet, millions of women consume this either regularly or intermittently. According to CDC, more than 14% of women between the age of 15 to 49 are on the pill.

Georgia Shaw, a 20-year-old student, took to Twitter to vent on contraceptive pills’ risk and what role men have on that.

Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills

Georgia, a student from Leicestershire, shares that she’s currently on Rigevidon pill for birth control. It came with a huge leaflet that explains all the side effects of the pill. It quickly went viral with more than 24k likes on Twitter with so many more sharing their own stories.

Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills

Risky: the birth control pills states in detail the potential side effects.

Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills

According to the pill’s information leaflet, 10% of people experience mood swings that can lead to depression, nervousness, and weight change. In 1 out of 10,000 people, the pills can cause malignant tumor of the liver, lupus, blood clots in the eye, etc. In very rare cases, it can even cause Crohn’s Disease.

All because a man did not want to wear rubber when doing it.

Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills

The purpose is informative.

Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills

According to the CDC, contraceptive pills are hormonal pills that generally only have a 7% failure rate when taken orally. It forcefully prevents you from ovulating and changes the cervix’s shape to prevent sperms from entering and even the womb’s lining.

However, to prevent unwanted pregnancy, women majorly rely on these super effect pills to do the job.

One pointed out how come men don’t bear the same burden as women?

Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills

Unfortunately, there are so many replies from women who’ve had horrifying experiences from consuming the pill.

Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills

While reminding each other to be careful, these women share the side-effect they experienced after consuming the pills. Some had it in the long-term, some only for a week. Stories range from experience weight change to feeling depressed for no reason.

Ah, yes, condoms are not foolproof either. But the failure rate is still low at 13% and it prevents, get this, STDs!

Yet, men would subject women through these horrible experiences because they can’t feel a thing?

Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills
Women Share Harrowing Stories About Taking Contraceptive Pills

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