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Woman Transforms Thrift Store Clothing Into Stunning Outfits And People Are Loving It


Woman Transforms Thrift Store Clothing Into Stunning Outfits And People Are Loving It

The aftermath of the strong fashion sense is really gorgeous!

Have you ever aspired to be a seamstress?

Perhaps, Caitlin Trantham could be your source of inspiration! In 2013, Caitlin reached a decision to teach herself how to sew and indeed started out with blankets. Shortly after, she dived into recycling thrift store clothing into vintage outfits after realizing that purchasing them was challenging to find and quite expensive.

Caitlin, living in the small town of Jacksonville, North Carolina, often shop for clothing at just two thrift stores within the area – The Salvation Army and Goodwill. In particular, she doesn’t like spending more than $10 on each piece when she goes for her purchase and similarly does spend money on zippers, closures, thread, and buttons if the materials are needed for the transformation.

More info: TikTok/caitconquers

Admitting it takes anywhere from two hours to 3weeks to complete a vintage transformation from thrift store clothing, the self-taught seamstress takes to TikTok, sharing her creations while also crediting the original source in a bid not to offend anyone.

Caitlin has given a top-notch look to about 20 outfits and plans on donating some to other military spouses at the Marine Corps Ball organized yearly.


Before and after! My dress is from ❤️ #transformation #beforeandafter #upcycle

♬ RACECAR – Aries

On the other hand, her TikTok clips have undeniably garnered a lot of positive reactions, thousands of comments, and interestingly the military wife has no plans of stopping her creations anytime soon.

Caitlin, presently in the middle of relocating to Hawaii as a result of Husband’s Marine Corps post got changed, however, aims at pushing people to think about sustainability in fashion and hopes to inspire people to look at things that are in thrifts store and re-use them judiciously.  

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