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Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food


Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food

Eye-opening look into the life of people that eat junk food to survive.

There is nothing wrong with wishing to ‘fix’ a country’s unhealthy diet to improve younger children’s quality of life. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has been fighting for an increased tax on fatty and sugary junk food. Calling it ‘a tax for good,’ Jamie Oliver started the #AdEnough.

Tackling childhood obesity has brought about a lot of animosity instead.

Oliver’s take on junk food had not been well-received by people who survived their childhood on it.

Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food

The celebrity chef claimed that this tax would help disadvantaged communities and encourage them to eat healthily. But people are pointing out the hypocrisy of this claim: poor people often survive on affordable junk food, not the costly and time-consuming home-cooked healthy dishes.

Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food

One particular user shared her harrowing childhood story on how junk food was a huge part of her growing up.

Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food

Ketty Hopkins shared on Twitter how she came from a low-income, single-parent family. Having to feed two children at the age of 20, her dad managed to feed her two kids which diet consisted of a lot of junk food that is more affordable than the healthier choice.

Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food

A single-parent with two young children, worked full-time, had to stay alert from his crazed ex.

Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food

The message: some people can’t afford the energy, time, and resources to stay away from junk food.

Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food

The takeaway is important: raising prices will only hurt those who can’t afford them.

Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food

Don’t consume too much junk food when you can afford it. She is not advocating for unhealthy diets by any means. But when junk food becomes your only choice to survive for the day or week, the problem is not the diet but the government encouraging it.

People appreciate her point of view that teaches them something new.

Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food

Others also chime in with their own stories and takeaways.

Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food
Woman Shares Her Candid Story To Explain Why Poor Families Buy Junk Food

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