Body Positivity
Woman Reveals The Reality Of Instagram Pics In These 20 Before-Afters
It’s okay to be normal!
The reality of an ‘Instagram Perfect‘ post is that nothing is ever perfect. You don’t know how many shots are in their reels and how much time they spend to make sure they look perfect in those pictures. Sarah Puhto, a health blogger, loves to remind her followers that she, too, is just a human.
“Some people have fat rolls and others don’t,” she tells her followers. “This does not make you any less of a person. It makes you a person with a body that does body things.”
“Do not stress about these things. Don’t feel like you need to suck in your tummy constantly while you sit,” she reminds others. “Do not let things like this make you feel like you need to crash diet and exercise excessively. Because it’s not necessary.”
More info: Instagram
1. We all have tummy fat!

2. “Hateful comments masked by concern for people’s health.”

3. “Sitting down and sucking in vs relaxing.”

4. “You don’t need to have curves to feel good about your body.”

5. “Booty pop.”

6. “Social media isn’t reality.”

7. “Tummy fat.”

8. “Instagram vs reality. We pick the best parts and most flattering angles.”

9. “High waisted vs low waisted.”

10. “You are your own worst critic.”

11. “We are all unique and need to start embracing that. Life would be so boring if we all looked the same.”

12. “Flat tummy vs food baby.”

13. “Perfection doesn’t exist. Someone will always have something bad to say, whether that’s yourself or someone else.”

14. “There is no need to constantly worry about what people think about you, because the only opinion of YOUR body that should matter, is YOURS.”

15. “Lying on your back vs lying sideways.”

16. “You’re worthy.”

17. “Eat what makes you happy and do what makes you feel like you’re living your life to the fullest!!”

18. “It’s normal for your tummy to expand when you eat lots of food!! It’ll go back down the next day!”

19. “The idea of beauty that’s portrayed to us in media is an illusion. It’s airbrushing, photoshop, posing, lighting.”

20. “We should put more importance on being a good person, rather than constantly worrying about how we look.”