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Woman Reunites With Romanian Family 25 Years After She Was Kidnapped At Birth


Woman Reunites With Romanian Family 25 Years After She Was Kidnapped At Birth

DNA traced back to India, Israel & parts of Europe!

An American Woman kidnapped at birth in her native Romania has reunited with her family after 25years. Belle Barbu was born into a very-low-income family in Romania who was misleadingly informed she had a heart condition.

Her parents were chased from the hospital while she underwent treatment, but were later informed (her parents) their newborn daughter had passed away.

Belle Barbu, an American Woman kidnapped at birth in her native Romania reunited with her family 25years after

Woman Reunites With Romanian Family 25 Years After She Was Kidnapped At Birth

Belle was actually, however, kidnapped and taken to a human trafficking orphanage where a large amount was paid for her adoption to America.

Mother-daughter embraced with dozens of family members watching tearfully

Woman Reunites With Romanian Family 25 Years After She Was Kidnapped At Birth

Presently, at 25years old, Belle returned to her biological parents in a very tear-jerking reunion. Residing in Washington County, Utah, Belle was encouraged by loved ones to take a DNA Test which traced her back to India, Israel, and parts of Europe.

Father-daughter embraced with dozens of family members watching

Woman Reunites With Romanian Family 25 Years After She Was Kidnapped At Birth

One among her friends, who was adopted from Romania uploaded the results to a Facebook Group created to help adopted Romanian children find their family. So far, the group has recorded over 500 success stories and amazingly, it took just 48hours to find Belle’s family.

At 25years old, Belle returned to her biological parents in a very tear-jerking reunion

Woman Reunites With Romanian Family 25 Years After She Was Kidnapped At Birth

Belle decided to reach out to a non-profit organization, Operation Underground Railroad which helps in reuniting victims of child trafficking with their birth parents.

The organization was put in touch with an investigator in Romania who confirmed a DNA Match between Belle and her birth family. It was at her reunion she discovered the true story of how they got separated at birth.

With the turn of events, Belle hopes to arrange for her biological family to visit her anytime soon and equally plan to fight against human trafficking

Woman Reunites With Romanian Family 25 Years After She Was Kidnapped At Birth

Belle journeyed to Foggia, Italy along with the organization’s founder, Tim Ballard in November 2019. The touching moment was captured on camera as Belle anxiously walked into a courtyard to meet with her Romania family who was gathered, waiting for her arrival.

Belle’s mum bursts into tears as the mother-daughter embraced with dozens of family members watching tearfully. Belle started crying and affectionately stroke her mother’s back, after which she was introduced to her biological father who also pulled her for a tight hug.

‘There are a lot of words that I would want to say, but I want to also introduce you to my friend and family.’ Belle turned to address her adoptive mother and friend.

Reacting, Belle’s adoptive mum walked forward to embrace her biological mother. With the turn of events, Belle hopes to arrange for her biological family to visit her anytime soon and equally plan to fight against human trafficking.

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