Woman Says She Lets Boyfriend Pay For Everything Because She’s ‘An Investment’
Don’t settle for “low-effort men.”
Hannah Chan, an entrepreneur from London, has made six figures since she was 24 years old. The 27-year-old is dating Ed Reay, 22, and despite her earnings and being older, she lets her boyfriend deal with the rent, bills, and funds for their holidays.

Their traditional approach to the relationship was the reason they’ve been happy all these years, as Hannah occasionally gushes over her man on her social media who treats her like a “princess.”
Hannah may be successful when it came to her financial endeavor, but when it came to dating, she was never happy until Ed.
“I started to realise that in a relationship I didn’t want to be the dominant one and I wanted someone who could provide for me,” she expressed her feelings.
“Before I had always viewed my business success and money I earnt as my value in dating, but I realised I didn’t want that. After meeting Ed, he told me he wanted to provide for me.”
She continued, “We have a 100/100 relationship – he provides financially, and I give him 100 percent when it comes to support and love and little things like bringing him a smoothie after a stressful day.”
“There is no right and wrong in dating, the most important thing is that your values align between you and your partner for what you want in a relationship.”
There was no friction when the subject came up – both had the same idea about how they wanted their finance to be managed. Hannah recalled, “It naturally came up that he wanted to be someone who could provide. So, it was perfect.”
As the feminine creature of the household, Hannah proudly takes care of everything else household-related and makes sure Ed feels at home when he returns. She continued, “I’ll sort the cleaner and do the cooking and food shopping. Ed doesn’t value money the most – he values being supported and cared for.
“He thinks of me as an investment as I’ve supported him, and it’s meant he now makes three times what he used to earn.”
Hannah, who won the British Champion in powerlifting in 2016, has also explained that she believes in conservative dating values because it aligns with her boyfriend, who’s also a business owner.
She’s continued to slam a media outlet that had “twisted” her story with them. She later spoke, “I initially let them do a story under the guise it would empower women to stop settling for low-effort men.”
“And encourage men to step into being a masculine provider; something that society is slowly taking away,” she continued. “Society has painted a picture that if a woman lets herself get taken care of, she’s automatically a gold digger.”

“In the end, it’s the women that get taken for a ride because she’s giving birth, taking care of the house, raising a family, AND hustling ’til burnout so she can pay 50% of the bills.”

“The best relationships work as a team and offer different things to the relationship, which doesn’t mean splitting things down the middle.”