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Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby


Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby

They decided to pursue gender creative parenting, allowing their child to choose their gender.

When parents are expecting, the question of ‘is it a boy or a girl’ naturally pops up. However, some parents have decided to deviate from the phase of gender revelation parties to raise their child gender-neutral. Accordingly, countries, including Sweden, have even integrated the gender-neutral pronoun ‘hen’ into their language to address inclusiveness. 

Some people have accepted the mentioned above into society, while a few who disagree are ever-prepared to criticize. An Author – Dr. Kyl Meyers, and her husband Brent decided to pursue gender creative parenting, allowing their child to choose their gender. 

Dr. Kyl Meyers and her husband Brent decided to pursue gender creative parenting, allowing their child to choose their gender

Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby

Well, people have now accused Dr. Kyl and Brent of child abuse, and countless emails, letters, and social media comments have opined Zoomer should be taken away. The couple, who’s originally from Salt Lake City but now lives in Australia, didn’t assign a binary a girl or boy to their child, and at birth, they didn’t disclose Zoomer’s genitals to people who don’t have to know.  

The couple, who’s originally from Salt Lake City but now lives in Australia, didn’t assign a binary boy or girl to their child

Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby

‘We used the gender-neutral pronouns they/them/their for Zoomer until they could tell us what pronouns and labels fit best, and Zoomer learns about and explores gender without stereotypical restrictions or expectations.’ Dr. Kyl told Mamamia. The couple uses the regular pronoun checks, and at age 4, Zoomer admits loving he/him identity. 

‘We used the gender-neutral pronouns they/them/their for Zoomer until they could tell us what pronouns and labels fit best’

Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby

Dr. Kyl equally explained the methods haven’t confused Zoomer but has given him a more nuanced understanding of sex and gender than many adults. According to an article in Time Magazine, Zoomer understands that some girls have penises, some boys have vulvas, and some intersex kids have vulvas and testes. Similarly, Zoomer is aware that some daddies get pregnant and that non-binary parents are dubbed Zazas. 

The couple uses the regular pronoun checks, and at age 4, Zoomer admits loving he/him identity

Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby

Dr. Kyl explained the methods haven’t confused Zoomer but has given him a more nuanced understanding of sex and gender

Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby

On the other hand, Dr. Kyl believes that gender is the decision of an individual rather than something given at birth. Labeling herself a genderqueer woman, Kyl said she doesn’t want to make assumptions about Zoomer’s gender identity and interests. Specifically, her decision was hinged on the lifelong repercussions of how society treats boys and girls differently. 

Zoomer understands that some girls have penises, some boys have vulvas, and some intersex kids have vulvas and testes

Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby

While people warned Zoomer might be bullied, Kyl admitted they’ve interacted with hundreds of kids, and the most curious ones are comfortable when Zoomer says, ‘I am a person.’ During her pregnancy, Kyl had also feared health care providers might not be willing to assist but was fortunate to find people who agreed to her decision. 

Most kids are comfortable when Zoomer introduces as a person

Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby

Kyl’s decision was hinged on the lifelong repercussions of how society treats boys and girls differently

Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby

Nonetheless, Zoomer is said to wander around toys, clothing aisles, and picks what he likes without paying attention to gendered boundaries established by marketing teams. Besides, via a blog named Raising Zoomer, Kyl has been sharing how their family responds to requests about Zoomer’s gender informal situations while sharing advice/information for parents who desire to do the creative parenting. 

Through a blog named ‘Raising Zoomer’ Kyl has been sharing advice for parents who desire to do the creative parenting

Woman Gets Trolled For Refusing To Assign A Gender To Her Baby

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