Woman Fearlessly Posts Hilarious Versions Of Her Perfect Instagram Photos
Really, Hi-La-Ri-Ous!
Instagram is indeed a wonderful and inspiring platform, full of beautiful images of places and people we have always wanted to see. Perfect people, right?
Wearing perfect outfits! Having good times in their lives during vacations and many more. Well, that’s mostly what you see when scrolling through the accounts of major influencers.
Nevertheless, we tend to forget easily that these photos are mostly staged and honestly doesn’t even reflect the reality. An Amsterdam-based vlogger and influencer, Rianne Meijer recently decided to have fun with the aforementioned and shared a series of pictures revealing side-by-side comparison of perfect Insta-shot coupled with what the reality is like.
Green Lemon has brought to you some Rianne’s hilarious comparison photos and it’s best you also share with anyone who might be a tad too serious about most influencer social media profile.
More info: Instagram | YouTube



























