Woman Born With Two Uteruses Gets Pregnant In Both At The Same Time
Babies grown in both uteruses simultaneously is a one in 50 million chance.
Megan Phipps was born with Uterine didelphys, a rare condition in which a woman has two uteruses and sometimes a cervix for each. This condition hadn’t been an issue in her previous pregnancies, which only happened on her right uteruses. But in early 2021, the 24-Year-Old learned she was pregnant with twins, one in each uterus.
Megan Phipps, born with two uteruses, discovered she was pregnant in both simultaneously.

And as a result, Megan went into early labor at just 22.5 weeks gestation, delivering both babies in her second trimester when they weighed under a pound each. Sadly, one of the babies passed away soon after, but the other baby named Reece is now recognized as the youngest surviving baby delivered at Bryan Health in Lincoln.
The 24-Year-Old, who has had two children from her right uterus, believed her left uterus wasn’t active.

However, her recent pregnancy led to the birth of two children on different dates but, sadly, only one survived.

According to Good Morning America, Megan had two children before, but they’d been conceived in her right uterus, so she assumed that her left uterus wasn’t active. But during her recent pregnancy, she sensed something wasn’t right and made an appointment with her doctor, who then referred her to a specialist.
Doctors told her she was pregnant on both her left and right sides, and at just 22 weeks, Megan went into labor.

She welcomed baby Riley [passed away] and Reece [pictured here] at Bryan Health hospital in Lincoln.

In June, when Megan was 22 weeks pregnant, she went to the hospital in excruciating pain and soon went into preterm labor. Naturally, a fetus is generally considered viable, meaning it can live outside the womb at 24 weeks. Some can survive at 22 or 23 weeks, but the chances aren’t good. Those that do survive almost always have significant complications or disabilities.
Megan was also told her girls had just 1% of surviving.

Both babies weighed under 1 pound, and sadly, just twelve days later, Riley passed away.

In Megan’s case, the doctors said the odds weren’t promising, mainly because of the special circumstances of her pregnancy. It was revealed that her girls indeed had a 1% chance. Yet ahead of the delivery, Megan informed her doctor that she wanted all interventions to keep her twins alive. Sadly, her first named Riley, born on June 11th, passed away twelve days later.
Reece is now the youngest baby born at the hospital to survive. She was discharged, weighing 8lbs.

The newborn stayed in the hospital for 144 days following her birth, growing stronger as she grew in size.

As her second daughter Reece continues to survive on numerous medical interventions, including a dozen blood transfusions and a ventilator for 45 days, Megan has promised her baby that as long as she kept fighting, she would keep fighting with her. On November 2nd, Reece weighed a healthy 8pounds; she got discharged and was sent home to live with her mom and dad, Dillon Martin.
However, Reece had some health problems and returned to the hospital after developing metapneumovirus.

She also had a gastrostomy-button place to dispense food through her stomach and needed to go back on oxygen.

Kallie Gertsch, the nurse who cared for Reese at the hospital’s NICU, claimed she’s the youngest baby ever born to survive. The nurse attested she’s also a true miracle and the biggest success she has witnessed. Nonetheless, Reece had some health problems and returned to the hospital after developing metapneumovirus.
In all, Megan wants her story to give hope to mothers of premature babies that miracles can happen.

According to Scientific American, the odds of being pregnant in 2wombs simultaneously is 1 in 50 million.

She also had a gastrostomy-button place to dispense food through her stomach and needed to go back on oxygen. On the other hand, according to Scientific American, only one in about 2000 women have uterine didelphys, and the odds of being pregnant in two wombs at the same time is equally one in 50 million. Accordingly, babies born before 23weeks gestation have just a 5 to 6 percent survival rate.