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Woman Becomes Aggressive Over Crying Babies And Tried To Open Door Mid-Flight, Banned For Life


Woman Becomes Aggressive Over Crying Babies And Tried To Open Door Mid-Flight, Banned For Life

She was flying to Turkey was teeth whitening treatment.

Shocking video showed how Catherine Bush grew unruly halfway through a trip from Manchester to Antalya in Turkey and squared up to staff. Witnesses claimed the mom-of-one from Bradford even slapped customers onboard, forcing the plane to be diverted via Vienna to be kicked off. 

Woman Becomes Aggressive Over Crying Babies And Tried To Open Door Mid-Flight, Banned For Life

The row was said to have been sparked by the noise of children crying and people allegedly looking at Catherine in a funny way.

Woman Becomes Aggressive Over Crying Babies And Tried To Open Door Mid-Flight, Banned For Life
via Ben Lack

She’s believed to have walked to the front of the plane to confront other passengers before launching the verbal attack on the cabin crew. Witness Samantha Fearon from Greater Manchester said Catherine tried to get off the plane mid-flight. She added: “She was ragging at the door, saying get me off this f***ing plane. Let me off now. It was just so shocking.” 

Woman Becomes Aggressive Over Crying Babies And Tried To Open Door Mid-Flight, Banned For Life

Catherine has now been fined £5000 by for her violent attitude and banned for life. 

Another passenger said Catherine became disruptive about an hour and 20 minutes into the flight. They said: “There was lots of noise. Then she came to the front of the plane. She was angry towards Jet2 staff and wouldn’t come down. Her voice was getting louder and more aggressive – she was shouting in people’s faces. People were saying she was kicking off at the airport before she even got on the plane. Then some people said it was over babies crying on the flight.”

Woman Becomes Aggressive Over Crying Babies And Tried To Open Door Mid-Flight, Banned For Life
via Ben Lack

Managing Director of the airline Phil Ward said Ms. Bush displayed a continued pattern of appalling behavior on the flight, and she must face up to the consequences of her actions. Phil added they’ve always made it clear that they take a zero-tolerance approach to such behavior as a family-friendly airline and will vigorously pursue any costs incurred due to the incident. 

Woman Becomes Aggressive Over Crying Babies And Tried To Open Door Mid-Flight, Banned For Life
via Ben Lack

Reportedly, Catherine was on her way to get 20 zirconium veneers that cost £3,000. 

Woman Becomes Aggressive Over Crying Babies And Tried To Open Door Mid-Flight, Banned For Life

Speaking with MailOnline, her friend said of the incident: “I was with Catherine in the pub at the weekend. She told me she was excited about going to Turkey. She said that she had scrapped together £3000 from her savings for cosmetic surgery on her teeth. She was going to have them whitened.” With the incident being a rare case, Jet2 claimed it’s unacceptable their customers and crew should have to experience it.

Woman Becomes Aggressive Over Crying Babies And Tried To Open Door Mid-Flight, Banned For Life

The airline, who is ever-ready to fully support any investigation, wrote in a statement: “We would like to apologize to anyone who had to experience this behavior. We would like to commend our highly-trained crew for their exceptional handling of this difficult situation.”  So far, the Manchester Airport is yet to comment on the subject matter. 

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