Woman Almost Went Blind After Being Smash Birthday Cake In The Face
A lesson about being careful while having fun.
Some of you are probably like me: as much as we love joyous occasions, we don’t like getting things messy. Just thinking about having to clean the mess up after smashing them is enough to deter us from doing it.
But there are people who love going wild at parties. You’d think those that stop them from smashing cakes on birthday girls/boys are party poopers. These viral pictures of a woman, however, will change your mind. Anyone would definitely think twice before splattering the cake directly on someone’s face.
A woman posted a picture of herself getting injured after a birthday bash.
She had to make an emergency visit to the ICU after a cake was smashed to her face. Included in her Facebook post was a gore picture of a stick protruding from her right eye.
“There are pastries that place these chopsticks inside the cakes, so think twice before you push someone’s head into celebrations,” wrote the post as well.
Yes, she also lost her eyesight when a wooden stick hidden inside the cake smashed on her face, stabbed her, and narrowly missed the eyeball. The cause are dowels (not chopsticks!) used to keep the cake propped. Every baker is different, but there are some who use smaller ones, even in one-layered cake.