Woman, 28, Left Paralyzed After A Chiropractor Snapped Four Arteries During A Routine Visit For Neck Pain
She only communicates with her eyes and wiggling her toes.
As it’s now, Caitlin Jensen can only communicate with her eyes and wiggling of her toes as she was left paralyzed after a chiropractor allegedly snapped four arteries during a routine visit for neck pain. The 28-Year-Old had visited the unnamed practice on June 16 for an adjustment to her neck.

But she instantly got ill and was then rushed to Memorial Health University Center in Savannah, Ga., where it was made known four arteries had been dissected.

The routine check left the graduate who read chemistry and biology at college into cardiac arrest, had a stroke, and lost her pulse for over ten minutes before being revived, only to find out she was paralyzed with brain injury. As the doctors were able to stabilize Caitlin, she was rushed to surgery; there, they repaired some tears and placed a stent in one artery.
Currently, she’s conscious and able to respond to verbal commands by blinking her eyes and wiggling her toes.

But the rest of her body, according to a GoFundMe by Linda Foster, sits in a state of paralysis. In an interview with WSB-TV, Caitlin’s mom, Darlene, said: “The surgeon that saved her life, and every other doctor that has looked at her, have all agreed that this happened as a direct result of the neck manipulation. The chiropractor called 911 and then called me and told me that she was ‘having a reaction to the treatment.”
Caitlin’s brother, Caleb, continued: “You’re talking to her, and then 30 minutes later, she’s in the hospital and now in the ICU.”

He admitted his sister is “able to open her eyes every now and then and wake up a little bit. And kind of move her hands to squeeze a little. But that’s just it.” Linda, who has been tracking Caitlin’s progress in a series of posts on the fundraiser site, also acknowledged she has a long road to recovery, and as a college student who has a simple health care plan, she will need financial resources to get her through the road to recovery.
Linda urged: “We ask that you please flood Caitlin with your prayers and positive energy and consider donating to this cause.”

In updates on the GoFundMe, Darlene has been revealing her daughter’s progress as she battles the horrific injuries. The last update on Caitlyn was posted two days ago, on July 11, and it reads: “Hello everyone. On Saturday, when Caitlin’s blood levels started dropping, they stopped one of the anticoagulant meds. They also gave her some medication to help reduce her stomach acid. Yesterday, her levels stabilized and have only dropped a little today. Because of this, we held off on the scope.”
Darlene [pictured] added: “Today, we had a CT of her head and neck. Her team was thinking if the thrombus in her internal carotid has dissolved, maybe we could keep her off Lovenox.”

“That is not the case. They have resumed the medication, and her numbers start dropping; they will do the scope tomorrow; it’s critical to keep her blood thinners.”

So far, Caitlin has been in the hospital for 27 days; in just two months, she finished her degree in biology and chemistry. The GoFundMe page dedicated to her medical expenses has since raised over $67,000 with a goal of $100,000 to help with her treatment. One Georgia chiropractor, who was not linked to the case, noted how ‘incredibly rare’ cases like Caitlin’s are, with them primarily producing ‘headache and neck pain.’
But Dr. Steve Ranicki from Pooler said: “Once they’ve gone to the medical doctor or chiropractor the likelihood is, unfortunately, a stroke will occur.”

However, Caitlin’s family has slammed the chiropractor and said they’re working on getting the graduate into rehab at Shepherd Center in Atlanta.