Wife Sleeps With Couples When Her Kids Are At School And Even Launched A Swinging Website
“It’s okay to always want more.”
Vista Wife is a 29-year-old swinger who recently launched a website dedicated to helping those who are looking into the swinger lifestyle. She’s also a mother and a wife!
Vista Wife calls herself an ambassador for swingers has had the lifestyle for the past three years.

She founded her website through her OnlyFans page and shared that she got into the swinger lifestyle together with her 30-year-old husband three years ago. And it was him that suggested it first, and they’re still going strong, married for ten years, and have known each other for 13 years.

Vista gets a lot of questions about her lifestyle from people who are interested in it.

She took the opportunity to explain how her site can be helpful for people to Daily Star, “It’s suited for couples and singles who are considering getting into the swinging lifestyle. It’s packed full of information that runs through your mind when you think of having more in the bedroom.”

For example, she explained that this isn’t a solution to a breaking relationship, “Don’t ever do this to fix your marriage; it just won’t work. You need to be in a solid relationship. If one of you isn’t 100% into it, then it won’t work either, and that’s where jealousy would come into it.”
It’s true #marriage #swingers pic.twitter.com/FFOkmKI4Ys
— Vista Wife (@RealVistaWife) October 6, 2021
She also shared another piece of advice, “Just have honest conversations and set boundaries of what you do and don’t want to see.”
“Many of the articles cover the Dos and Don’ts when you start swinging and also how to handle emotions and even approaching the topic with your partner.”

The couple, who now resides in Lincolnshire, explains, “The message we really want to put out there is that it is okay to always want more.”
“There is no shame in wanting more in the bedroom whatsoever.”

“I hadn’t been with anyone since my husband, so it was a shock to the system. But once everything starts, everything else goes away, and the moment takes over.”
It’s just a swingers thing #swingers #date #MyUniverse pic.twitter.com/vL35WCmBrd
— Vista Wife (@RealVistaWife) September 25, 2021
But her lifestyle was not something that a lot of people could agree to. Vista revealed, “My best friend, who I’ve known since I was five, decided to stop speaking to me. That was very difficult for me to get over. I was geared up for nasty comments from strangers online, but not that.”
Come and follow me on #TikTok (VistaWifeTwo) or Instagram (VistaWife) for more #swinging knowledge! pic.twitter.com/kn7Dvth5x8
— Vista Wife (@RealVistaWife) August 28, 2021