Viewers Think Thor Is ‘Gay’ After Watching New Trailer Of “Thor: Love and Thunder”
It will hit the theaters on July 8th.
The trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder make rounds online while bringing forth different perspectives on the scenes featured. One perspective is that Marvel fans suspect Chris Hemsworth’s character will be gay in the film.
In the clip, Thor had been approached by Star-Lord, Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy crew, including Nebula and Bautista.

As Quill spoke to the team, saying: “Just look into the eyes of the people that you love,” the God of Thunder, in a part of the 90-second long preview, gave Chris Pratt’s character a lingering stare, which many on Twitter have believed is a definitive statement on sexuality.

Notably, Quill was looking back at the crew when he made the statement, which saw Thor moving his head to be in the Star-Lord’s sightline.

Quill hilariously joined Thor in moving his head and clearly stated: “NOT ME.” Thor then chuckled and responded: “What? Just listening,” before looking awkwardly away. Elsewhere in the trailer, Natalie Portman, 40, appeared to have returned in an epic form. The Oscar-winning actress was seen in full Mighty Thor armor for the first time.
The trailer concluded with Thor’s iconic hammer, called Mjolnir, seen flying into someone else’s hand, revealed as Natalie’s character, Jane Foster.

38-Year-Old Thor, who was seen embroiled in battle, couldn’t help but stop what he was doing and looked in complete shock as he stared in awe at the new superhero and his long-lost love. It would be recalled that Portman hasn’t starred in a film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, other than a brief appearance in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame since 2013.

However, many have celebrated Thor’s gay awakening in an avalanche of tweets, a few compiled below:

Watch The Full Trailer Here: