Two Jerks Feels They’re Better Than The Waiter, But Boss Make Them Pay $3k Bill
Never bite the finger that feeds you!
Two ungrateful jerks ended up putting themselves in more trouble as they attempt to abuse the kind gesture from their boss who organized a party for his company in an expensive restaurant.
One of the waiters who shared the story revealed that the two jerks were of the opinion that the expensive food ordered by their boss was not good enough and so they had to get some very expensive liquor at the restaurant.
They apparently thought they could add this on their boss’s bill, but shockingly, they became stuck with trying to clear a very huge bill. Hence, the saying that one should never bite the finger that feeds is really true.
Two ungrateful jerks ordered expensive wine during their company’s party

The two jerks who came to the restaurant feeling all bossy and arrogant proved so inhumane to the waiter and felt the restaurant wasn’t good enough for them, however, ended up in more trouble than they bargained for.
One of the waiters narrated the entire scenario and how the drama ended

And Here’s However People Reacted To Their Boss Action: