Sisters Left People Baffled After Posting ‘Our Sons Are Brothers, Cousins, And Twins’
They have quaternary marriage.
Briana and Brittany Deane, a pair of twins featured in TLC’s reality show ‘Extreme Sisters‘ show off their sibling bond that goes further than most. The inseparable duo loves doing everything together, like every other sister in the show.
They would wear the same outfits every day from pajamas to their casual attires. Brittany said, “More often than not, it’s very much a joint effort. I think that because we have the same brain, we will both wake up thinking, ‘OK, I want to wear X outfit today,’ or whatever the event is that we have going on that day.”
They love each other as sisters and wish to be able to stay together forever. As an inseparable duo, they’ve been dreaming about dating another pair of twins.
The twins spoke to Insider, “So often, we were in relationships with singletons who didn’t understand our twin sister bond,”
Brittany said, “I think there was some underlying stress that if one of us got too serious with a singleton guy, then it would ruin this dream we had, which was always our hope, even though others told us it was unrealistic.”
They finally met their dream partners and decided to get married. Brittany married Josh while Briana got together with Jeremy.
The pair got married and planned their pregnancy! At the show, the two couples talk about how they co-parent each other’s child.
Jett, the elder son, and Jax are genetically siblings as they are quaternary twins.
It’s not just the sisters; the fathers, Jeremy and Josh also feel the same about their sons.
Jeremy told ET, “I feel like I’m Jett’s parent and I think [my brother] feels the same way about Jax. We all live together and we are raising the kids together. It feels like one family unit, not two separate couples with their own babies. It’s the four of us with our two babies.”
The moms are also shown breastfeeding each other’s child in the show.

They’ve also been talking about how they might address each other with terms like “duncle” and “aunt mom.”
While it was like a dream come true, the sisters find it a bit challenging when they lead individual lives with their partners.
“Without Briana, I just feel a little bit insecure, I feel like Josh is so cool, and I’m just a dork,” said Brittany when she went off for a dinner date with her husband, Josh.