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Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio


Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio

‘You have stolen my dreams, and childhood with your empty promises’

Environmental activist & one of the most popularly known teenagers on Earth, Greta Thunberg since 2018 has been fighting for what she believed in, despite being faced with several criticisms.

The 16-Year-Old, Climate change activist from Sweden is presently making the headline. This time, Greta expressed she’s got a great sense of humor and very good at turning around people’s criticism in making it a strength.

Just when President Trump mocked her by ironically stating that she ‘seems like a very happy young looking forward to a wonderful and bright future,’ the young teen took the quote and proudly placed in her Twitter Bio.

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Greta learned a simple way to turn Donald Trump mock into a strength

Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio

She took Trump’s ironic comment…………

Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio

And placed it in her Twitter Bio!

Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio

Trump’s sarcastic comment to the teenager in charge of the climate justice movement, happened a few hours after Greta’s speech at the United Nations on Monday. At the event, Greta specifically criticized the world leaders for not doing enough in fighting climate change, in giving a bright future and in saving the world at large.

Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio

Obviously, Greta’s expression says it all, isn’t it?

Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio

She criticized world leaders at the United Nations

Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio

“I shouldn’t be standing here. I should be in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to we the young ones for hope. How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty promises.’ Greta criticized leaders present at the summit.

Greta, however, sailed to the UN summit across the Atlantic Ocean on a 60-foot long environmentally friendly Yacht with father, Svente and three other people.

Watch Greta’s Speech at the United Nations

Here’s How People However Reacted:

Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio
Trump Mocked Greta Thunberg’s Speech On Twitter, She Shaded Him In Her Twitter Bio

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