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This Map Lets You Track Your Hometown Location On Earth Over 750 Million Years Ago


This Map Lets You Track Your Hometown Location On Earth Over 750 Million Years Ago

The interactive tool tracks a changing world over hundreds of millions of years.

Planet Earth with its reassuringly familiar continents doesn’t always appear the same. And evidently, its landmasses once locked closely in supercontinents have cracked open and slid away from each other and repeatedly come together. In a sense, the exact location of your hometown has therefore experienced more traveling than you have.

A big thanks to a new interactive map, you can now explore how much your location has shifted over the course of hundreds of millions of years. Dubbed the ‘Ancient Earth Globe and launched by Paleontologist Ian Webster, the map tracks our changing world from glacier-covered continents through the global continent of Pangea and onto the Earth.

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A new interactive map ‘Ancient Earth Globe’ let you how much your location has shifted over the course of hundreds of millions of years

This Map Lets You Track Your Hometown Location On Earth Over 750 Million Years Ago

Webster, the California-based paleontologist created the interactive tool as a means of assisting people in learning about the present world they live on and importantly to show how continental drift has transformed. The goal of the tool is to also express complicated scientific data in an easy-to-use way for teachers, parents, and even students interested in the historical aspect of Earth.

The red spot in this photo shows where London was 400 million years ago

This Map Lets You Track Your Hometown Location On Earth Over 750 Million Years Ago

Looking through the history of planet Earth via the app revealed that Florida was once submerged while the United States was once split by a shallow sea. You can explore what the world appeared like through the Dinosaur Pictures Website. ‘This shows that our environment is dynamic and the history of Earth is actually longer than we can comprehend. The present arrangement of continents and plate tectonics is undeniably an accident of time. It will be quite different in the future and Earth might outlast its inhabitants.’ Webster said in an interview with CNN.

The red spot in this photo shows where England was 50 million years ago

This Map Lets You Track Your Hometown Location On Earth Over 750 Million Years Ago

Nevertheless, the map built on top of geological models by Scotese (a paleographer) has 750million years ago as its first year. On the other hand, there’s equally a menu that lets you view the evolution of life on Earth, including the first insects that evolved 400 million years ago.

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