These $10,000 Nightmarish Couture Skin Heels Are Stuff Straight Out Of Hell
TW: It’s… scary.
Stuff straight out of hell: that would be one way to describe these heels. Fecal Matter is a brand that always thrives on your weirdest, most alien imaginations and fashion sense. Fairies, aliens, devils, you name it; Fecal Matter sells from boots to horns to complete your next date look in outer space.
These couture skin heels might be their best creation yet.
These heels started as Photoshop edits, but Fecal Matter decided to realize those heels.
A lot of work actually goes into making each pair of heels that you see in these pictures. They are handcrafted, sculpted by Sarah Sitkin and colored in such ways that it matches the wearer’s skin tone.
They were designed by Hannah Rose Dalton and Steven Raj Bhaskaran, Canadian-based duo, who often dabble in digital rendering to execute their ideas. These silicone-based designer heels are sold starting from $10,000 a pair.
“We can get this alien look and present it and tweak it with Photoshop and make it look really realistic. But at the same time, there is always this dysphoria in us,” said Bhaskaran on Vogue.
They are now releasing their designs on Depop.
They also have their skin boots installed in the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, until April 18, 2021. This might be the closest sense you can ever get to window-shopping for Fecal Matters’ products.