Students Stage A Massive Walkout After School Makes Two LGBT Teachers Resign Because They Got Engaged
The students’ willingness to get into trouble is inspiring!
‘Honesty is the rarest wealth anyone human being can possess on planet Earth.’ If you agree to the aforementioned, children are then the wealthiest in this regard.
They tend to overlook everything else and look right into the core of what it means to be human, standing up tall to injustice.
Students of Kennedy Catholic High in Burien, Seattle staged a massive walkout, protesting the resignation of two teachers who were required to do so after getting engaged.
Pupils Of Kennedy Catholic High Walked Out To Protest Against A Resignation Of Two Gay Teachers

Both English teacher identified as Paul Danforth and Soccer Coach Michelle Beattie quit their jobs in Kennedy Catholic High after getting engaged to their same-sex partners. Even though the school insisted the teachers quit voluntarily, Danforth’s fiancée, Sean Nyberg revealed Danforth was forced out after he got engaged on November 1st at Disneyland.
Michelle Beattie & Paul Danforth Both Quit Their Jobs After Getting Engaged To Their Same-Sex Partners

On hearing the resignation, their students couldn’t stay quiet, in turn, flooded the hallways protesting. Taking the protest outside of the school’s front lawn, they were joined by their parents, many of whom admitted the teachers were forced to resign.
Their Students Organized A Mass Walk Out On Hearing The News

Turned out, the school specifically requires teachers to sign a document the school can revoke if eventually, a teacher’s lifestyle is incompatible with the Catholic moral values. Some parents are, however, aware of this clause, and hoped the school would never act on it or perhaps saw it as injustice.
Students Refused To Go Back Into Their Classrooms

The Protest Was Moved To The Front Lawn Where Other Parents Joined In

Sean Nyberg, Paul Danforth’s fiancée was, however, convinced the students were brave to have taken the action, admitting it was braver than anything she has ever seen any adults do. She added that the willingness to maybe get into trouble is pretty inspiring despite the fact that the world is watching.