Student Shares Various Crazy Things Her 70+ Y.O. Physics Professor Does, And It’s Super Cool
Wright’s unconventional teaching methods are best for all students!
We all can imagine the big impact a good professor can have on any subject they are tutoring. The dullest teaching material can become entertaining if the professor teaches with passion, drive and indulge in a bit of fun during the process.
And that’s exactly what Physics Professor David Wright, a Tidewater Community College does with his students. Professor Wright is well-recognized among his students as a fun educator who’s willing to go an additional mile to keep every student interested in his teaching.
Just recently, a Physics Professor went viral for his entertaining teaching methods

One of his students who goes by the name Erica shared a compilation video of all the hilarious things Professor Wright has done during his lectures.

The footage went viral and garnered over 4million views and 800k likes. One big fact was made known, Professor Wright so much love unconventional teaching methods and people are loving it.

Wright, 70, has, however, been teaching at TCC since 1974 and loves to demonstrate how physics works in reality. ‘If you memorize all of this stuff, it would be a torturous class and if they get the key ideas, then everything else becomes very natural.’ Professor Wright revealed.

Professor Wright uses toys, fun activities and awesome experiments to demonstrate how theories work. Teaching liquid nitrogen to make ice cream, Wright also explains the surface tension by lying down on the nail bed.
Serving as a Science Consultant and Scriptwriter for the NASA Science Files Television Show, Wright has been given one of only 11 Outstanding Faculty Awards by the State Council of Higher Education For Virginia in 2002.

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