Someone Shared 21 Tips About How To Prepare For Being Homeless In America
It may not be home, but you can make it one.
Homelessness is quite visible in that it touches virtually everyone, but it can equally feel like another universe to which most people don’t have access. It’s challenging for a few people to create a mental picture of this subject matter, and in this light, someone has decided to give a detailed insight using the social media platform Imgur. Being homeless is nightmarish, and indeed, vulnerability to attacks and harassment for women remains inevitable.
Living without a home is, in particular, threatening many Americans and has since become a hot debate. However, a man who has lived without shelter and had to car camp at some point in his life has decided to share practical tips on how to survive being homeless. “I can’t tell you how it hurts me to write this.” The man wrote at the beginning of his post before listing valuable tips that can be used in such a situation. Have a glance through!
“Preparing For Eviction/Homelessness,” The Title Of The Post Reads.
President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act, passed by Congress and signed into law in March, has reportedly called for spending billions of dollars to assist the displaced and people at risk of becoming homeless. Cities, including states, will use the fund to help house people safely during and after the pandemic. In addition, the rescue plan will equally provide over $46million for emergency rental.
Non-governmental organizations had, however, estimated that about 30 to 40 million people were at risk of losing their homes amid the pandemic. On the other hand, the Washington city officials are confident that people residing in homeless encampments will soon be relocated after old hotels and motel rooms are converted into permanent affordable housing.