Someone Is Putting Hilarious Signs In Colorado, And The Puns Are Amazing
They are hilarious!
It’s really hard for people to pull a good pun nowadays because many times, they are pulled at the wrong timing. Or maybe it’s the wrong person, or maybe, it’s just a really bad pun.
But the person who is in charged of making a new pun for this signboard in Indian Hills, Colorado deserves an award. Creative word-play can really be challenging especially because they’re not always something you can plot, but often spontaneous.
Vince Rozmiarek who is native to Colorado started the pun on board on April’s fool day. It went viral due to the creativity and now, the guy has a Facebook page just for the puns with over 90k followers! Initially compiled by BoredPanda, here are some of the best puns Vince did!
More: Indian Hills Community Sign






































