Sister Reveals The Gritty Details Of Her Twin’s Life As A Nurse And It Went Viral
Do you know what nurses deal with every day?
We can all agree that it can be somehow difficult to be a doctor, nurse or even any other health care professional. Believing that you know something accurately and actually learning something from the first-hand experience is entirely two different things.
Have you ever imagined what being a nurse entails? Well, if you have a nurse as a family member or a friend, then you are closer to knowing the truth about them.
Here’s how Laura Mclntyre started a story about her twin Caty who is a nurse: ‘She gonna punish me for this photo, but can we just give it up for every nurse for a minute? Laura shared an image of other twins looking exhausted and in tears after going through the 4th shift in a row. Guess what? The photo expresses everything around stress and high pressure faced by nurses every single day.
Here’s What Caty, Laura’s Twin Sister Looked Like After Her 4th Shift In A Row

Laura Took To Facebook To Tell The World What Her Sister’s Job As A Nurse Is Really Like

Caty Always Put Her Patients First

While The Twins Love And Support Each Other As Much As They Can

Top Nursing had written that dealing with burnout and stress as a nurse is very possible, but, however, requires very critical strategies to manage one’s life. This implies being severely organized, creating no room for randomness and chaos.
It also implies taking good care of oneself first, most especially as a nurse can’t take care of a patient if he/she is fainting from lack of sleep and food. However, do you know what nurses deal with every day?
Laura’s post made more individuals share their own opinions and experiences