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People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Life Hack

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

An earlier behavior is an indication of future behavior!

To every story reported, there are usually two sides to check before giving out a final verdict. Stories hinged on landlords and tenants are of course not an exception of the aforementioned.

While there are genuinely nice landlords across the world, some tenants are very similar to evil stepmothers. Jerry Ciro Ucci recently uploaded pictures as evidence as to why rent and security deposits can at times be skyrocketed.

The photos are very shocking yet perfectly illustrated what absolute pigs some individuals can be. Going all viral as some internet users saw the landlord’s and property managers’ side of things for the very first time, you sure will also cringe at how some tenants could be– you might even gulp.

More Info: Facebook

A Landlord Recently Uploaded Photos Of What A Family Did To His Property

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
Jerry Ciro Ucci

Garnering over 25K likes on Facebook and reposted 49K times, some internet users equally shared the story with law enforcement and opined the family is brought to justice. Bigger Pockets specifically shared some simple straight to the point advice for fresh-faced landlords.

The Family Couldn’t Pay Rent But Could Afford Cigarette

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

The Living Room Used As A Trash Section

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

The Bathroom

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Puking Off The Balcony On To The Downstairs Businesses Wastebasket

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Two basic things you should look out for are first the tenant’s income and credit scores. Poor credit scores are mostly associated with risky behavior as compared to a high credit score.

Got So Much Trash In Here

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Soiled Diapers Laid Everywhere Even When Kid Was Changed

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

A Fossilized Mix Of Poop Is Located To Where They Slept

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

The Trail Of Trash Nonstop

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Floors With Layers Of Urine & Poop

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

The Shower Is Also A Trash Bin Or Perhaps A Litter Box

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Sink That Appears To Be A Great Ashtray!

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

A Hardened Poop In The Kitchen

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

The Kitchen Drawers Not Safe As Well

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

The Windowsill With Jellied Substance

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Freezer & Snacks!

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

A Room Their Dog Was Locked In! The Diarrhea & Urine Combo

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

The Rabbit Toilet

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

The Actual Toilet

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Severally Dirty Diapers!

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Yet Again Another Poop Filled Diaper!

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

More Dirty Diapers & Tampons

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

One Hiding Filled With Poop Stuck

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

A Broken Drug Pipe

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Soda On The Wall – The Property Manager Will Certainly Clean This In 6-7 Months’ Time

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Anything Goes With Playdoe Obviously!

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

The Hairy Toothpaste Balls

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

The Mathematics Calculation On The Wall

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Flies! How Come?

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Upcoming Artist In The Building

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Another Poop On The Trim

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

Internet Users Reacted To Jerry’s Disgusting Photos

People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics
People Surprised Why Rents And Security Deposits Are So High, So This Landlord Reveals Some Pics

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