Parents Die Within Four Weeks Of Each Other, Leaving Behind Two Kids
The husband passed away from a ruptured stomach ulcer while spending the night in the hospital with his dying wife.
Friends and family have been left devastated to hear about the tragic deaths of parents Amie Walton and her husband Chris Mills. The mom-of-two battled terminal illness while Chris passed away of a ruptured stomach while spending the night in hospital with Amie, diagnosed with stage 4 cancer after visiting her GP for persistent heartburn.
The 30-Year-Old, who had liver and bowel cancer, reportedly work on July 18 in Good Hope Hospital in Birmingham to find her partner, 42, has died.

And exactly four weeks later, on August 18, Amie died while visiting her dad in Devon. She was informed in May the cancer has spread, leaving her with 50 tumors in each lung. The couple leave behind their son Harry, 8, and daughter Mix, 6. They had lived in north Birmingham with their parents but are now being cared for by Amie’s mom, Tracey.
“Harry and Mia are little dreams, they are amazing,” Amie’s best friend Jess Davies alleged.

Davis is also the godmother to both Henry and Mia. She told The Mirror of an incident after Amie’s terminal diagnosis: “We were supposed to be getting together Halloween but Amie had just been told she was being put on palliative care and didn’t feel like it so I said I’d take the kids trick or treating. I was doing Mia’s makeup and I saw Harry go up to Amie and say, ‘Are you going to die? With a quiver in his voice. And Amie said: “I am, but I’m going to keep fighting,” okay?”
Local shopkeeper Bal Singh has since set up a fundraising page in the hopes of helping the couple’s young children.

Davis continued: “Harry broke his little heart and Amie sat there cuddling him. I looked at Mia and she had one tear which had dropped down her make-up. I said to her: ‘she’s going to be alright and winked, and she grinned at me.” Singh revealed Harry & Mia have a special place in people’s hearts and that losing a parent at a young age is painful but to lose both is beyond devastating.
Singh said: “The circumstances were incomprehensible and have touched every single person.”

He added: “We are coming together as collective community to do the best we can for Harry and Mia and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to each and everyone for their support in playing an important part in the wellbeing of not only Harry and Mia but for their families too.” The page launched by Singh has raised almost £7K and it described the close relationship between Chris and Amie before their deaths.
Notably, Amie’s family had been informed her best hope lies in a type of radiotherapy but it wasn’t available on the NHS and so they had launched a campaign to raise £35K.

Amie’s mom, Tracey has also thanked everyone for helping to raise money for her grandchildren. As per the DailyMail, she said: “We have all had a very hard and tough time as late. We were all busy concentrating on helping Amie through her illness and preparing ourselves for what lay ahead when we had the massive shock of Chris passing unexpectedly, Amie was so brave and built herself up to get through it which I was so proud of her for.”
Tracey alleged it was after Chris’s funeral she went to her dad’s for a break, where she sadly passed away. We will continue to live on with them both in our hearts and do the best to bring up their children the best can.”