At 9-Year-Old, Barbara Hovermale, who now uses the pronouns they/them, started shaving. And despite wanting to stop the beauty standard, they continued out of fear of what society might say about their body. But on meeting with Boyfriend Jayvien Peakf, a rebel emerged and eventually resulted in the embrace of a natural look.
Barbara Hovermale (right) claims to be ‘much more confident’ since embracing body hair that’s longer than their BF Jayvien (left).
Barbara from Richmond, Virginia, and BF Jayvien has vowed to “never touch their hair again,” especially as they enjoy rubbing and playing with it when they’re together. Accordingly, the not-shaving of their body, belly, and leg hair has helped them feel much more confident. The duo is urging others to ditch their razors too.
With the help of BF Jayvien, Barbara who identifies as a non-binary vowed never to touch their hair again.
A look into the mirror gives the couple the confidence to put on clothes that show off their body hair. In particular, the Master’s student uses TikTok to make others feel comfortable in their bodies. They’ve been sharing clips to celebrate every aspect of themselves; body hair, stretch marks, love handles, cellulite, and all.
The not-shaving of their body, belly, and leg hair has helped them feel much more confident.
They do receive negative comments, so just when a rude TikToker referred to Barbara’s BF as “Poor man, you probs have hairier legs him,” Barbara boldly recorded a second clip to show off how their leg hair was longer than Jayvien’s. As seen, Barbara has garnered 74.2K followers on TikTok and motivated many to realize their body hair is beautiful. They equally inspired one user to wear a bikini for the first time in their love.
When one rude fan joked that Barbara has ‘hairier legs’ than their BF, the TikToker recorded a video for proof.
For the first time they shaved, Barbara, according to DailyMail, was in year five of school. They never obsessed over it and would only do so once every two or three months until they emerged as a competitive swimmer and always had to have their legs free from body hair. The now 20-Year-Old has, however, stopped shaving their armpits back in 2019 and completely stopped shaving their legs in early 2020.
The master’s student with 74.2K followers on TikTok motivates many to realize their body hair is beautiful.