‘My Husband Got Our Neighbour Pregnant, So I Took A Savage Revenge’
This certainly sounds worthwhile.
Marriage betrayal is handled differently! But at the moment, what’s in vogue for many is an act of sweet-bitter revenge. Andrea Owen falls under this category, and she had shared with the internet what she, in particular, did when she discovered that her husband had been having an affair with their neighbor.
Andrea Owen is praised for her revenge plot on her cheating husband.
This incident happened in 2006 (15years ago), and during this, Andrea equally discovered that the affair of seven months resulted in pregnancy. This was downright painful, and to get her own back, Andrea claimed she cut holes in every pair of underwear, shorts, and trousers her husband owned to make a point about his struggle to ‘Keep it in his pants.”
Andrea carried out the revenge 15 years ago (2006) yet it remains worthwhile.

@heyandreaowen Do not do this at home. ##authorsoftiktok ##narcrecovery ##narcissistsurvivor ##narcissistabuse ##divorcedwomen ##crazystory ##mentalbreakdown
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“In 2016, I found out my husband had been having a seven-month-long affair with our neighbor and got her pregnant. So I took a pair of scissors and cut a hole in every pair of underwear, shorts, and pants he owned. And I left a note that said: ‘Since you can’t seem to keep your d*** in your pants, I thought I’d help you out.” Andrea said in a now-viral clip shared with TikTok.
The message was savagely passed and here it goes:

Oh YES, there was even a note left behind.

She added: “And I laughed and laughed and laughed.” Since sharing the clip, it has since amassed over 390K likes and comments. Many people appeared to agree with Andrea’s savage revenge. A few people shared their own experiences taking revenge on unfaithful partners, including scrubbing the toilet with the partner’s toothbrush and putting it back where he had left it.
The situation was hurtful but Andrea found a way to laugh about it.

“My husband was with a woman named Millie. I filled all the cabinets with Aunt Millie’s spaghetti sauce.” One person wrote. Another praised Andrea: “I’m here for this kind of petty!” while a third said: “Girl, you’re a queen.” A fourth quipped that they took the remote of their cheating partner so he would be looking for it forever.
People have since reacted and a few sharing similar experiences with revenge.