Moms Are Revealing How Much Their Hospital Bill Was For Giving Birth, And It’s Absurd
It’s crazy how different the figures are!
Hundreds or more babies are born daily, making birth the common reason for a journey to the emergency room. Many parents tend to leave the hospital happily, but their postpartum experience can be significantly affected by the medical bills that returned home with them.
Parents are no stranger to the mentioned above, and that’s why a mom and a TikTok user decided to spark discussion online, asking moms what age their kid was when they paid off childbirth bills.
h/t: Boredpanda
A mom and TikTok user @MsLilyFlower asked moms what age their kid was when they paid off childbirth bills

The mom had just paid off her medical bill for giving birth to a baby girl in 2018, and to get some context out of her situation, she unveiled a clip-on TikTok asking other moms to share their experiences. The topic was indeed a hot one as moms across the globe instantly started responding. A mom revealed giving birth to her premature son would have cost over 3million dollars, but due to a few situations, the check got dodged.
A second mom admitted her country entirely covered her childbirth bills even before leaving the hospital. The mom @MsLilyFlower who launched the thread had reportedly experienced a complicated delivery as she had preeclampsia and required an emergency C-section. Fortunately, she got excellent care and was only in the hospital for three days, but the mom felt she shouldn’t have paid for it.

The mom admitted being covered by adequate insurance but still owed about $2800 on a bill of just over $28000. People’s stories were heartbreaking as parents who suffered a stillbirth, death, and miscarriage were still given huge bills to pay. However, not all of the responses were supportive, as a few think of not having a child if it can’t be afforded.

On the other hand, the topic has become a socio-economic study on different healthcare. It can broaden one’s perspective on how government and people deal with essential human experiences.