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Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers


Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

The new trend that won’t go away for a while.

Moms are giving birth in style nowadays and we’re not sugar-coating this. These women legit spent hours and even a whole day doing make-ups on their faces. And instead of labor classes that taught them breathing techniques, these moms are also taking prepping their looks seriously.

Birth makeovers are taking over moms, even the ones who aren’t influencers.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

Lee Ann Jarrell shared her beauty tutorial with fans even during contractions.


Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

“Highlight that b****.”

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers
Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

Among the first people who went viral for their birth makeovers is Alaha Majid. She was still making content and looking good even before her labor.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

Really, though, when you are in the middle of all that mess with your child constantly making you feel nervous, having a routine to drown yourself into can be really helpful.

And when shove comes to push, literally, her husband took over.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

The kind of life partner we all sign up for.

Alexis Jayda, another beauty blogger, also did not miss her routine.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

Her hospital bag is majorly filled with things to look good because we can come to the world looking naked, but we will definitely be a beautiful gate to welcome the arrival of our own.

And you tell me, isn’t this just worth it?

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

Alexis did not spare to look smoking gorgeous even during one of the supposedly most messy times in a woman’s life.

It’s actually helpful to mothers in more than one way.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

When you don’t focus on the task at hand, which you don’t have much power over, having to focus on other things can help you to relax as well as dilate faster. Like this woman who had her sister help with her look.

But of course, there are always critics of every trend.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

For example, you can focus more on your baby instead of your look. That would be the opposite of the very purpose of getting makeup done to distract themselves. Honestly, those first pictures of your child will inevitably include your face a lot.

Every potato can agree with this.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers
Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

We would LOVE to share the first few pictures of our child. We love those pictures of us tearing up in happiness, but we can’t allow more than our close family members to see just what a mess we’ve become due to the stress, pain and overwhelming feelings.

Others who’ve done this can confirm that it’s often more than just about look.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers
Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

When you can spend 24 hours with your thoughts away from the contractions and fear of the pain from childbirth, won’t you give that new mascara, eye-shadow, and lipstick a try?

By the way, if you want to follow suit, get waterproof makeup to prep.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

Because if you don’t have waterproof formulas, you will end up wiping them all off with your sweat and tears. A mother who own beautybytsharae can confirm this.

Family members are also great helpers for the task.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

There is always a flip side to everything and people that stand by that side. But we cannot deny looking this good during your labor is just awesome.

Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers
Moms Are Doing Makeup Before Giving Birth For Their Social Media Followers

The girl rocked her look and imagine having your first child with this beautiful face will end up as the photo you brag to everyone.

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