Mom, 25, Who Already Has 22 Children Declares She Wants At Least A Hundred
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Getting married and even wanting to have a family is no doubt an important decision to make. And while many intend to have a concise home with one or two children, a few enjoy the elaborate family idea. Of the latter is Kristina Ozturk, a mom who already has twenty children in less than two years yet still wants even more.
Born in Russia, Kristina happened to have her first child as a teen, precisely 17-Years-Old.
And as she journeyed on holiday in Georgia, her first trip outside of her country, Kristina met with the love of her life, Galip, aged 57 years old. Romance enthused, and the duo tied made it official by tying the knot. More interestingly, Kristina & her millionaire husband prefer a big happy family.

Of the twenty children they’ve since had, it’s alleged Kristina didn’t give birth to all. The pair had surrogates run the job for them.

Fabulous reported that the pair had paid £138,000 to surrogates to deliver their babies. Accordingly, they’ve been officially settled at Batumi with 16 hired nannies to help them cater to the kids. “I’ve dreamed about this since childhood. My husband also dreamed about having a big, happy family. So after we met, we started to put our dream into action,” Kristina explained.

She added: “Our romantic relationship has changed but then our whole lives have changed, not just the romantic part. I’m not sure if we will be the biggest family in the world, but we are planning to be the happiest family in the world for sure.”
Kristina further insisted she has nothing to feel regretful for and aspires to have more kids welcomed into their family. “It costs about £3,500 to £4,200 per week for essentials for all the kids. Sometimes [the costs are] a little more, sometimes a bit less. For now, we have three floors at home. In the future, maybe we will build more floors, maybe we will buy a bigger house. We don’t have an exact plan because right now we have enough space for everybody,” Kristina continued.
However, the clinic in Batumi chooses surrogate moms for the couple & takes full responsibility for the process.

“We are not personally acquainted with surrogate mothers and do not have direct contacts with them in order to avoid problems after pregnancy,” Kristina, whose Instagram profile says she wants to have more than a hundred children during her life, shared. On the other hand, the pair seems to have done quite a good job at achieving twenty-two children in just about two years, and thankfully, they are financially capable.