Math Teacher Slammed For Wearing Feather Headdress And Imitate Native American Dance In Class
Her chanting was intelligible.
A Californian math teacher was recently slammed for doing what seems to be an ‘insulting‘ native dance while wearing a fake feather headdress to teach math.
The video was first made known to the public by Shadae Johnson from the Urban Indigenous Peoples Advisory Council Member. It made rounds on Facebook as the woman from Vancouver penned a piece of post that brings awareness of the teacher’s actions.
Footage of her teacher while doing the bizarre dance circulated on the internet, garnering multiple negative comments from people.

The post wrote, “Yesterday a Native American student filmed this video in his Math class. After several minutes of the teacher “war hooping & tomahawk chopping” the student began filming because he “felt that violence was being committed against him and he had the right to record.”
It takes a lot to offend students who are learning math, and one student decided enough was enough.

At one part, she started chanting while sitting on the table, hand outstretched to the skies, “Please tell me the secret Indian (illegible), but they don’t hear.”
Then she snickered, before continuing, “Because obviously, this is ridiculous.”
The post continued, “This was taken at John W. North high school in Riverside, CA. At first, the student noticed the teacher was pulling out a fake feather headdress, and when she put it on, he thought, ‘what is she going to do?'”
“I am sharing this video because these behaviors can no longer be swept under the rug!”
The teacher screamed ‘SOH CAH TOA’ after jumping down the desk and running to the front of the class.

The person recording is a Native, and the school involved has been named John W North High School. The Soh Cah Toe itself is old mnemonic method students, and teachers have been using for years to memorize trigonometry in the US.
Based on the yearbook, the teacher might have been doing this since 2012.

People were shocked with how she has been getting away with the ridiculous method for years, with one writing, “This is from Riverside, CA? I’m from there and a Native from the Cahuilla Band of Indians.”
“How is this happening when there are literally at least 10 Native tribes in the surrounding area. UCR (University of Ca Riverside) works with Natives in the area, and she didn’t know???”

The school has not released any comment regarding this issue. A protest has also taken place in front of the school.