Japanese Brides Are Turning Traditional Kimonos Into Extraordinary Wedding Dresses
Simple patterns! Beautiful Colors!
It’s not unusual for modern Japanese weddings to combine Shinto wedding traditions with several elements of Western Nuptials. Expectedly, a Japanese bride wears a furisode long-sleeve Kimono, but presently some brides are turning their commonly-used garments into a unique spin.
Folding the sleeves down, brides are now adding up decorative bow at the back, making their Kimonos an elegant strapless dress. The best part of it all: The changes are all superficial, meaning the wedding dress can be turned back into the original Kimono.
So, instead of having your wedding dress wore once and abandoned in a closet to collect dust, you can wholeheartedly try out this unique style.
More Info: h/t: rocketnews | The Oriental Wasou