“I’m A Single Dad-Of-Six & I Can’t Afford A Pair Of School Shoes For My Son”
The dad has to think about every penny, which makes him feel like he’s failing.
Soaring bills and prices in Britain have continued to affect thousands, including single dad, Gaz Kaye. He has told of how he’s struggling to afford the essentials for his children under the age of 12 due to the cost-of-living crisis. Just last month, Gaz’s son was forced to wear trainers to school as he couldn’t afford to buy him new school shoes.
“As a single father, I’m not always able to do that straight away. Things like this make me feel like I’m just failing as a father,” he said in an interview with Grimsby Live.

He told the outlet: “It’s even come to the point where my child wanted some new trainers and rather than buy them new I had to buy them on Facebook Marketplace. With six children, Gaz is having to scrimp and save every penny to afford their upbringing. He added: “Even a loaf of bread has gone up, I don’t know how people can make it through the day.”
With everything adding up, the biggest issue for Gaz is running the car.

The dad continued: “With a big family, I need a big car, but a small engine. I’m not poor by any means in my mind, but with the way things are I feel like I probably am right now, but surely it can’t stay like this? The model of how we live our lives has changed and as a father of six I’ve had to change a lot to make it work. That alone massively plays on my mind.”

Another concern of Gaz is how life will be for his children in the coming years.

He stated: “Kids can’t seem to have anything these days, bar the basics, because of what life is costing. I know people who are selling laptops just to feed their children. It’s getting worse and worse the longer it goes on and if it’s this bad now, what will it be like in 10 years for my children?
Gaz stressed it’s frustrating he can’t feed his children but then the world can turn a light bulb on from the other side or send people to space.

The Cleethorpes-based expressed: “We’re in a system that isn’t working. A cost-of-Living payment is great, but it just shouldn’t be a thing. Getting what are in effect hand outs makes people feel awful and it’s scary to wonder how long this might go on for. I can’t carry on like this, but there doesn’t seem to be any change in sight and that’s upsetting.”