Husband Makes Mini Wild West Chicken Coop Town For Wife’s Chicken, And It’s Amazing
The best husband in town!
Living with farm animals is no longer considerd a dirty job. Many generations and DIY enthusiasts have taken dometic farming to a whole new level.
One guy is going viral for his brilliant DIY project. The husband built a chicken town for their chicken as a gift to his wife and we have to admit it was literally the sweetest thing ever.
This Guy could easily pass for the best husband in town

He actually built this whole town for his wife’s chickens and its hard not to notice his eye for detail
One unique chicken coop looks just like an old town square. It’s absolutely fabulous.

There’s even a saloon in the chicken town, after a hard day of laying eggs.

The birds probably have plenty of interesting conversations there, too, while they peck at their food.
This blacksmith workshop actually comes with built-in feeders.

No more bending and lifting, you can just drop the feed from the top and voila it comes out of the bottom. How convenient is that, huh? Talk about brilliant designs here.
We cant get enough of this fancy red barn here.

So cute even the little dog couldn’t get his eyes off it. it could be such a comfy kennel.
There town’s jail houses the naughty chicken convicts perhaps.

Perhaps the most thought of piece in the whole chicken coop square. You cannot complete a town without jail and a sheriff. It comes with a lock and a set of keys too.
The hubby even built this cool-looking Rooster’s Ridge.

This awesome water barrel actually holds 15 gallons of water. it comes in handy and saves the wife tons of energy and time. As if that’s not enough, it also catches rainwater, too. what else could she ask for?
The amazing detail created in the window of this mercantile. Very cute.

This is so aesthetically pleasing its a shame chickens will soon litter all over it.
Then the amazing little cafe that looks just like the real deal

Looking at this menu some fried chicken and eggs right would do nicely. but we wonder how the local populace thinks about that.