Guy Tells Story About Catching His Boss In VERY Awkward Position And It Goes Viral
Can’t imagine how both of them are feeling right now…
This story will probably remind us why sticking to our usual arrival time is the best to avoid awkward situations. Of course, not everybody enjoys exposing themselves out there, but this woman probably couldn’t help it as she is a mom-of-three and may not have had enough time for herself at home.

One of her male workers shares on Reddit how he just ended up on one of her most embarrassing moments at the office. Because of the unfortunate timing of him arriving earlier than usual.
“TIFU by showing up to work early and catching my boss in an awkward position that should be a tifu of her own.”

The man later updated on the situation and shared that he was considering leaving for the day since it’d be awkward for her.

The man kindly left her note to not to worry about it as he left her some space. We hope the woman can recover from the awkward encounter!
People felt sorry for the woman and were laughing at the unexpected encounter.