Guy Shows His “Basic White Sister’s” Home Covered With ‘Live Laugh Love’ Life Signs And Its Hilarious
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One home décor that’s speedily falling out of fashion is WORD ART. But of course, the affection for word art is that people who have it in their homes tend to agree with almost every one of its wordings. However, makeup artist John Michael Baker decided to poke fun at his sister by posting a clip showcasing the numerous word art pieces.
John Baker (right) shared a 5 part-clip where he invited people to take a tour of his “basic white sister’s” home.

The TikTok clips are downright hilarious, especially as word art has become so ubiquitous that pointing it out feels cathartic. On the walls of his sister’s cozy home, Michael – an internet personality showed every variation of the live, laugh, love signs and ensured he introduced every last one of them to his audience. “Welcome to my basic white sister’s home,” Michael said in his first clip of a 5 part series. So here we’ve collated 35 of the signs for perusal, and possibly you might find ridiculous the same as we did.
@johnmichaelbaker Welcome to my basic white sister’s home. ##whitegirl ##whitehouse ##basic ##farmhousedecor ##inspirationalquotes ##funny ##lol ##viral ##fyp
original sound – John Michael Baker
Every Family Has A Story. Welcome To Ours.

Gather Here With Grateful Hearts.

Fall Sweet Fall.

Choose Joy.

Together We Make Family.

Just Livin’ Our Best Life.

Give Thanks.

Let’s Stay Home.

In Our Home Let Love Abide And Bless Those Who Step Inside.

Love More Worry Less.

Family Gathers Here.

The live laugh love phrase has over time been misattributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson. But these words had first been linked together in a poem titled ‘Success’ by Bessie Anderson Stanley, a lowan writer, in 1904. It had been written as the winning entry in an essay contest by Brown Book Magazine, for which Bessie won a cash price of $250.
@johnmichaelbaker Welcome to my basic white sister’s home: Part 2! ##whitegirl ##whitehouse ##basic ##farmhousedecor ##inspirationalquotes ##funny ##lol ##viral ##fyp
original sound – John Michael Baker
Every Love Story Is Beautiful, But Ours Is My Favorite.

Happiness Is Homemade.

Let Our Lives Be Full Of Both Thanks And Giving.

What I Love Most About My Home Is Who I Share It With.

Family. A Little Bit Of Crazy, A Little Bit Of Loud And A Whole Lot Of Love.

Thou Shall Not Try Me. Mom: 24:7.

This Is Us. Our Life. Our Story. Our Home.

Forever Grateful.

Wine Is To Women As Duct Tape Is To Men… It Fixes Everything.

Spread Love Wherever You Go.

Michael’s sister’s word art is focused on making a positive statement. It’s claimed to be a fun place where people come together to live, laugh, and love. Notably, Michael has insisted that the word arts make their family comfortable and visitors feel very welcome; hence, there’s nothing wrong with having them.
@johnmichaelbaker Welcome to my basic white sister’s home: Part 3! ##whitegirl ##whitehouse ##basic ##farmhousedecor ##inspirationalquotes ##funny ##lol ##viral ##fyp
original sound – John Michael Baker
I Love You To The Moon And Back.


Hello Fall.

Hello Sweet Cheeks.

Drop Anchor With The One You Love.

Faith Hope Love.

As For Me And My House, We Will Serve Wine. Sip 24:7.

Recipe For Love – A Spoonful Of Smiles, A Pinch Of Laughter, A Jarful Of Joy, 1 Cup Of Kisses, A Handful Of Hugs.

Grateful. Thankful. Blessed.

This Kitchen Is For Dancing.

However, for people not to get the idea wrong, having concluded his tour, Michael shared a clip showing his love for his sister while reminding his followers that all his videos were all just for fun. He captioned it: “My sister is a bad b*tch. I’m just a brother that likes to f**k with their siblings.”
@johnmichaelbaker Welcome to my basic white sister’s home: Part 4! ##whitegirl ##whitehouse ##basic ##farmhousedecor ##inspirationalquotes ##funny ##lol ##viral ##fyp
original sound – John Michael Baker
@johnmichaelbaker Welcome to my basic white sister’s home: Part 5! FALL EDITION!##basic ##whitegirl ##fall ##pumpkinspice ##farmhousedecor ##funny ##lol ##viral
original sound – John Michael Baker
In This House: We Do Laughter. We Do Hugs. We Forgive. We Dream Big. We Do Loud. We Do Love. We Do Family.

Let’s Stay Home.

Bless Our Home.

Live More Worry Less.

Every Love Story Is Beautiful, But Ours Is My Favorite.