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Guy Can Extend His Thumb Over Five-Inch Has Gone Viral


Guy Can Extend His Thumb Over Five-Inch Has Gone Viral

The cracking sound, though…

A lot of us have some pretty useless, small abilities, like bending our fingers sideways. But what if, you can extend one part of your body at will, more than twice its original length?! That is still a weird thing, but it is at least a bit cooler than others, right?

Tiktok user Jacob Pina has gone viral due to this exact skill. The 21-year-old shared about his weird ability to extend his thumb on TikTok… and it got people going mad (and creeped out), asking all sorts of questions.

This is Jacob Pina and he has one really unusual skill.

Guy Can Extend His Thumb Over Five-Inch Has Gone Viral
Guy Can Extend His Thumb Over Five-Inch Has Gone Viral

This TikTok was watched more than 11 million times and he’s now known as ‘The Thumb Guy’.

For some reasons, the thumb extension sounds really crunchy.


Reply to @ratindisguise42 ✨crunchy✨ ##foryou ##fyp ##longthumb ##ScienceFair ##Teleport

♬ original sound – jwpina

Jacob also reveals that doctors have taken a look on his thumb and nothing is wrong with it. They also can’t find any medical condition that’s related to this. So what exactly did Jacob do to make his thumb as long as 5-inch?


Reply to @butterybinky Its pretty normal πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ‘πŸΌ ##foryou ##fyp ##longthumb ##ItStartsOnTikTok

♬ original sound – jwpina

He actually dislocated his thumb and he can do it on both thumbs. When talking about his moment of going viral, he said people showed feelings if disgust, curiosity and some even freaked out.


Reply to @jezaelangeles2 Will power πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸΌ ##foryou ##fyp ##longthumb ##4u

♬ original sound – jwpina

Jacob says this doesn’t hurt him even a little.


Plant life πŸ‘πŸΌ ##foryou ##fyp ##longthumb ##DateNight ##4u

♬ Classical Music – Classical Music

He found out about this when he was in his freshman year of high school and did not imagine this would go viral.


Reply to @mrnatemay Useless superpower πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ‘πŸΌ ##foryou ##fyp ##longthumb ##superpower ##FitCheck

♬ original sound – jwpina

Extending both thumbs like a proper alien.


Reply to @gadite_sera Its both πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ ##foryou ##fyp ##longthumb ##4u

♬ original sound – jwpina

But to the most important question:


Reply to @clockstrikesnone00 World Champion status? πŸ€”πŸ‘πŸΌ ##foryou ##fyp ##longthumb ##ItStartsOnTikTok

♬ original sound – jwpina

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