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First-Time Dad Crushed After He Was Denied Paternal Leave Because His Son Was Stillborn


First-Time Dad Crushed After He Was Denied Paternal Leave Because His Son Was Stillborn

People need time to come to terms with losses.

It is not easy to settle with the fact that your first child was stillborn. Not to mention you and partner had only found this out one month before the due date. It’s devastating with so much preparation already in place, only to know you won’t be a father just, yet.

But his workplace decided he’s not eligible for paternal leave.

Subway operator Reinaldo Lopez and wife Elyse needs time to settle things and come to terms with their dream to be parents crushed. But Reinaldo is only allowed 3-day bereavement leave, which anyone can agree is not enough. Elyse Ortiz gave birth to Sylas, their firstborn, on February 1.

Reinaldo works for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority as a New York City Transit. The 33-year-old revealed that he’s already had to spend a whole day at the hospital with his wife. Elyse said, “They told him that because the baby was dead he wasn’t entitled to paternal leave.”

Reinaldo Lopez and wife Elyse

First-Time Dad Crushed After He Was Denied Paternal Leave Because His Son Was Stillborn

Reinaldo went to the union party to negotiate for more paid-leaves and mention nowhere in the contract says paternal leave won’t be granted if the baby is stillborn. He was not ready to return to work and there was bill to be paid. A track operator is an important job where you can’t mess up one moment.

People are horrified at this issue.

First-Time Dad Crushed After He Was Denied Paternal Leave Because His Son Was Stillborn
First-Time Dad Crushed After He Was Denied Paternal Leave Because His Son Was Stillborn
First-Time Dad Crushed After He Was Denied Paternal Leave Because His Son Was Stillborn
First-Time Dad Crushed After He Was Denied Paternal Leave Because His Son Was Stillborn
First-Time Dad Crushed After He Was Denied Paternal Leave Because His Son Was Stillborn

But it was thanks to the public outcry that this issue is not overlooked. The MTA was reportedly reconsidering things and finally granted the man the leave he needed so much. Multiple people are also bringing up on how men’s loss should never be overlooked. They experience just as much pain and are even more likely to force to conceal those pain as they console their partners.

Reinaldo is granted his family leaves thanks to the public.

We really hope the couple can find solace and pick themselves up as soon as possible.

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