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Enraged Russian Women Cut Up Their Chanel Bags In Protest At Russia Boycott


Enraged Russian Women Cut Up Their Chanel Bags In Protest At Russia Boycott

Maria Zakharova, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, said the ban is cancel culture.

Wealthy Russians, including models and influencers, have accused Chanel of “Russophobia” after the brand pulled out of the country. Chanel had equally urged Russians shopping abroad to sign pledges that forbid wearing or displaying the brand in Russia. These sanctions emerged after they voiced no concern for the dead and wounded Ukrainians or Russian troops. 

Russian women are angrily hitting back at the ban as one among the many; Marina Ermoshikina cut up her accessory bag with scissors on Instagram.

The 28-Year-Old TV Presenter and PR agent then said: “Not a single item or brand is worth my love for my motherland and my self-respect. I am against Russophobia and I am against Russophobia supporting brands. If owning Chanel means selling my Motherland, then I don’t need Chanel.”

Enraged Russian Women Cut Up Their Chanel Bags In Protest At Russia Boycott
via Marina Ermoshikina/Instagram

The actress urged other women to follow suit: “For us Russian women, having Chanel is not significant.”

“It was us who were the face of this brand. Since childhood, we dreamed about buying this bag. But no bag, or anything else, is above my love for my motherland or self-respect. Chanel is simply an accessory that at some point decided to humiliate my compatriots. And discriminate by nationality. I will not tolerate this.”

Enraged Russian Women Cut Up Their Chanel Bags In Protest At Russia Boycott
via Marina Ermoshikina/Instagram

Dj Katya Guseva also took to Instagram and revealed she’s saying NO to Chanel.

The 39-Year-Old stated: “They are forcing me to sign a humiliating document, forcing me to reject my Motherland in favor of their brand. I am against Russophobia and against segregation by nationality. To show you I am serious, I will simply cut up this bag. I don’t need it any more. Bye-Bye, Chanel.”

Enraged Russian Women Cut Up Their Chanel Bags In Protest At Russia Boycott
via Katya Guseva/Instagram

“We Russian women are stunning regardless of having Chanel – we know it, Chanel knows it, the whole world knows it.”

Victoria Bonya, a Monaco-based model and businesswoman with 9million followers, said in English: “I have to say if Chanel House does not respect its clients [why] do we have to respect Chanel? Bye-bye.” 

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A post shared by VICTORIA BONYA (@victoriabonya)

Enraged Russian Women Cut Up Their Chanel Bags In Protest At Russia Boycott
via Victoria Bonya/Instagram

The 42-Year-Old shared she has never seen any brand acting so disrespectfully towards their clients.+

Enraged Russian Women Cut Up Their Chanel Bags In Protest At Russia Boycott
via Victoria Bonya/Instagram

Sharli Prokopif, an ex-pat travel blogger with over 239K followers, also supported the campaign, saying: “I am Russian, living in Europe and I refuse to wear Chanel.”

Enraged Russian Women Cut Up Their Chanel Bags In Protest At Russia Boycott
via Sharli Prokopif/Instagram

Comments under their posts signal rage towards their hashtag #ByeByeChanel. One person complained: “Why don’t they start a challenge on selling their Chanel accessories in favor of children and refugees or whichever is closest to their heart?” A third also stated: “These babes are hyping by cutting up their Chanel bags as a way to protest against the brand’s idiotic policy. It is frankly as silly as it was to ask them to sign some paperwork in Dubai. It looks like a well-organized, staged action.”

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