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Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine


Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine

Love without limits!

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, who’s in a relationship with a British Gran, 80, insisted his love is genuine.

Mohammed Ahmed Ibraham, whose relationship with Iris Jones, from Somerset, has made Phil and Holly blush, met on Facebook in 2019, after which Iris flew to Egypt.

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, who’s in a relationship with a British Gran, 80, has insisted his love is genuine

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine

Mohammed Ahmed Ibraham and Iris Jones, from Somerset, met on Facebook in 2019, after which Iris flew to Egypt

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine

From his home in Giza, South of Cairo, Mohammed revealed his people might be a bit skeptical about their relationship, but their love is real

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine

Speaking from his home in Giza, South of Cairo, Mohammed revealed his people might be a bit skeptical about their relationship, but insisted their love is real.

‘It might appear a bit weird having a wife who is 20-years older than my mother, but that’s love. It makes you blind. When you are a man and you fall in love with a woman, it doesn’t matter what she looks like or how old she is.’ Mohammed said.

Mohammed initially declared his love for Iris through social media and then said his feelings were genuine after seeing her for the first time at Cairo Airport

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine

Hitting the spotlight earlier this week, Iris went on ITV’s This Morning to explain the huge age gap and equally revealed details about their sex life. Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby weren’t, however, prepared for how open she was and instantly collapsed in giggles when Iris said: ‘The first night was really rough.

‘Nobody has come that close for 35years. I thought I was a virgin again. Can I tell you what we used? The whole tube of KY Jelly.’ Iris added.

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine

Laughing out loud, the amazed Holly, 38, couldn’t hide her feelings as Iris continued: ‘The thing is I couldn’t walk the following day. I felt like I was riding a horse! Anyway, we got over it!’

Mohammed was slightly shy as he said: ‘It was indeed beautiful and we had been waiting for that very moment for a long time. I don’t want to go into much information because we don’t talk about such in Egypt.’

Iris went on ITV’s This Morning to explain the huge age gap and equally revealed details about their sex life

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine

Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby weren’t prepared for how open she was and instantly collapsed in giggles

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine

‘In all, it was very passionate and it truly felt special holding such a wonderful soul to the heart. It wasn’t her appearance that attracted me, it was what’s inside. She loving and has a great mind.’

Asked if he was married or divorced, Mohammed declined the question and also choose not to discuss previous relationships. ‘It’s got nothing to do with my Iris.’ Mohammed revealed.

Asked if he was married or divorced, Mohammed declined the question and also choose not to discuss previous relationships

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine

Laughing out loud, the amazed Holly, 38, couldn’t hide her feelings

Egyptian Toyboy, 35, Says His Love For British Gran, 80 Is Genuine

Nevertheless, Iris, a grandma from Weston-Supre-Mare started the conversation with Mohammed last summer on Facebook. Mohammed initially declared his love for Iris through social media and then said his feelings were genuine after seeing her for the first time at Cairo Airport in November 2019.

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