Disabled Woman Perfectly ‘Scammed’ Back A Scammer Who Tried To Sell Her A PS5
He will not know peace.
Do not scam people. Do not use the ‘my daughter is sick’ card to win people’s conscience, so they give you money. And you absolutely do not attempt to scam a woman who spends the majority of her time online and gaming. If they warned you that you’d never know peace, they’re serious.
Brittany Everette doesn’t have experience handling scammers, but her first one was so great people made it viral.
The story began with Brittany excited about getting her PS5 from a man selling it at a normal market price. She eventually paid it in full when the man played the ‘my daughter is sick’ card and realized she’d been scammed.
Brittany forged her own plan to get her $450 back in dismay, and it was an adventure.
She just wants a PS5.

Brittany has never dealt with scammers ever in her life, but she managed to come up with complex plan to get her $450 back. The authorities weren’t involved when she tried to ‘scam’ back her money from this man. Keep reading to see how it ended.
The email was sent, so now we wait.

Brittany didn’t forget to advise the woman to leave a scammer’s side.

That dude gave one last try on the $450, for real.

She got her money back and managed to go through with her words: he would not know peace as a scammer. This is the kind of ‘violence’ we can definitely get behind. Do not scam people if you’re prepared to be ‘scammed back’ (read: return) the same amount of money.

In conclusion:

As of now, however, there are no sellers putting up the PS5 at around the normal price. Multiple units of it were being bought by bots when Sony released it and are currently being sold back at more than twice the price.
Because of the lockdown and social distancing rules, companies rely on online sales to get their new products out. This makes it easier for online bots, or scalpers, to keep track of their supply in real-time and immediately place an order when it’s available.
Brittany later added a few more details to her story: it’s very real and her email was totally made up.

Brittany later tweeted that not a single PS5 has turned up at her doorstep yet. This is understandable considering how the game console is being hogged, and nobody can secure a unit at a reasonable price.
She shared how she’s been keeping a tab of multiple stores in the US but still can’t secure one unit for her own. Of course, she’s also joking and asking if Sony Playstation can at least secure her one unit (maybe for free?).
People’s reactions to this epic story is amazing.