Delta Flight Attendant Fired After 57 Years Of Service Over Claim Of Stealing A Milk Carton
Even though her line manager allowed it.
Ida Gomez Llanos, 79, is not taking any of it when Delta airline, the place that she’s served for the past 57 years, decided to fire her. The reason being her stealing a carton of milk.
Llanos is a special employee there, having worked at the airline for more than half a century. She claims that this whole thing is set up by her colleagues who were motivated by the hire ups that wanted her gone to let new and younger members in.
Llanos is earning $250,000 a year which is almost 5 times the average salary of a flight attendant that is $56,000 (Bureau of Labor Statistics).
Llanos was already given permission to take it, but they instead used this against her.

Throughout her entire career journey, Delta became witness to her as she rises in popularity and reaching the number one in LA and fifth in the country. She’s also received positive messages in forms of letters in the form of passengers.
“I couldn’t believe it. I’ve been accused of so many things and none were true. I try not to take it personally, but when you get mean about me and start lying, that is a problem,” says Llanos on her interview with DailyMailTV.
Llanos on her 50th anniversary at work.

Llanos knows that there are colleagues who feel envious and jealous of all the perks she’s gained. One of them being overnight shifts priority. She thinks this drove them to launch a smear campaign and she’s been accused of various small, petty things since then.

“They accused me of sleeping, of taking chocolates, not doing a good job – but my letters from passengers proved that wrong,” said Llanos.
“They accused me of not being able to arm or disarm the doors. But we all go through training every year, and we have to pass that training or we do not fly,” she added.
Llanos has been an exemplary employee and has been awarded many times.

“I haven’t called in sick for thirty or forty years. Every year they had a banquet for the top 1% who had the most letters from the customers. I went to that three times. I was nominated by the chairman’s club. I’ve had Flight Attendant of the Quarter; you get a little statue.”
“I was number five in the whole system and number one in LA at the time I was terminated.”
“It’s the best job in the world,” says Llanos who’s sad about losing her precious job.

“I used to fly LA to Las Vegas. We had a lot of celebrities. Sammy Davis Jr was wonderful. He would get on and talk to us. “I had Jimmy Stewart and his wife, Lauren Green, Ursula Andress. Many, many celebrities out of southern California to Las Vegas. We had so much fun.”
Her son has also got a job as a cabin crew in Delta.

Her son, Chris Douglas, 49, is now working with Delta in LAX.
Despite the horrible treatment she gets, Llanos can definitely look fondly into the beautiful moments she had working as a flight attendant. And things have changed considerably compared to back when it was Bonanza airline.

“In the 60s all you did was serve beverages, and there were smokers. You could ask somebody “would you like something to drink?” and here would come this big puff of smoke right in your face,” Llanos said with laughter afterward.
“When we started serving meals it was a big production. The salad was served out of a huge crystal bowl… Men had suits on, and it was really an occasion when you went on an airplane,” she continued.
But she still works as a flight attendant because she needs to pay off her mortgage and repair her house. Let’s hope Llanos gets back her job or compensation for her needs!